gemstone Opções

gemstone Opções

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Dolomite ranges from pure white to brownish-white and sometimes pink-colored. Gemstone quality dolomite can be difficult to find due to their cleavage and low hardness, 3.5-4 on Moh’s scale. They are therefore usually preferred as a collector’s stone.

Chocolate Opal is a very distinct opal variety due to its chocolate-brown base-color. Chocolate Opal is found only in Ethiopia and forged in the ashes of ancient volcanoes.

Amethyst also makes up the majority of citrine being sold on the market. Heating amethyst causes it to take on a yellow color, and 95%+ of the citrine market started as amethyst with some heat added.

The main technique used is simple irradiation. This turns the majority of topaz some shade of blue, depending on the specifics of the stone.

Black Opal is the most valuable opal variety. Its dark body color can range from dark to black and acts as the base for the spectrum of colors it can exhibit.

Chalcedony’s wide range of different colors and inclusions make up hundreds of distinct sub-types of gemstones. They’re very common in silver jewelry and among wire wrappers, and some varieties are even found in fine jewelry. Onyx, for instance, is actually a chalcedony variety!

It is thought to widen its wearers’ perspectives by bringing fresh energy to the mind, body, and spirit.

Aquamarine is more common than the other varieties of beryl but remains an important gemstone. It’s also great for those with a taste for blue and a tight budget since only deeply saturated specimens reach sky-high prices.

Hessonite is an onyx western orange-brown variety of garnet colored by traces of manganese and iron. It is sometimes known as cinammon stone.

Tiffany refers to Tanzanite gems as “the most beautiful blue stone discovered in 2000 years,” which is why they so often end up in museums or being owned by avid collectors and investors.

It’s safe to say there’s a lot of variety here, and it’s undoubtedly one of the most common gemstones.

During the ancient Roman period, fluorite was widely used in the production of wine cups and vases as a valuable stone. The ancient Romans even believed that fluorite wine cups would make people never drunk.

The tiger’s eye is considered by the Indians to be a sacred stone, a symbol of prestige, to prevent depression, and physical and mental illness, and to inspire courage.

The name Zircon originated in Persia where Zircons served all sorts of purposes. Known as the “stone of virtue,” they are still used in the practice of Far Eastern religions and believers say that the right Zircon can impact specific chakras.

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